Monday, October 27, 2008

Keeping Up.

I've never been much of a tech freak or computer nerd or what-have-you, but I am pretty particular about certain things and like my HTML code nice and tidy.

Tonight I was putting together a web page for somebody. I taught myself web design about 5 years ago with a couple books. My first website looked awful, and the following two were a little better. The last time I redesigned my site was in the summer of 2007, just after my latest CD came out. Back then, it was still somewhat important to have your own website. Now that's just icing on the cake if you have a profile for every social networking site out there. I think they keep a running count of those things on a clock in Times Square. It's around 10 trillion now. What's that? Oh right, that's the national debt. Both are about as hopeless. I've digressed.

I need to redesign my site sometime soon, but it feels like I need to learn how to do it all over again. How are you supposed to keep up if you only do it once every 18 months? I've considered hiring somebody to do it for me, but then I hear nightmares about unresponsive web designers.

Oh well. I'm starting a rock band with my friend Eric. At least I get to make a new MySpace page.

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